COVID-19 Religious Exemption Letter
Cornerstone Chapel does not have an official stance on the COVID-19 vaccines, but we support the right of Christians with religious objections to seek an exemption. The downloadable exemption letter below is available to anyone who is in agreement with its content and would like to use it in support of an exemption request.
There are two different versions:
Letter with Pastoral Acknowledgement Section
Download this version if:
You would like a pastor to acknowledge your religious objections by signing your letter and:
- You attend Cornerstone regularly and consider it your church home*; or,
- You attend another church and your pastor is willing to sign the acknowledgement section for you.
If this does not apply to you, please download this version:
Letter without Pastoral Acknowledgement Section
For more information on religious exemptions to vaccine mandates, visit Vaccine Questions.
*How to obtain a signature from a Cornerstone pastor:
If Cornerstone is your church home and you would like a pastor to acknowledge your objections, please either digitally sign it and save it; or print the letter, sign it, scan, and then either:
- Email it to One of our pastors will sign it and we will email it back to you; or,
- You can drop it off at our reception desk between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday-Friday. One of our pastors will sign it, and we will notify you when it is ready for pick up. Please provide a contact phone number or email address with your letter.
Please allow five business days for a pastoral signature. If you are facing an immediate deadline, let us know and we will do our best to expedite your request.