Midweek Bible Study

Midweek Bible Study

Midweek Bible Study

Midweek Bible Study

Midweek Bible Study

The Unchanging Word in a Changing World
In the closing chapters of 2 Timothy, Paul gives us a list of 19 characteristics that will define the culture in the “last days” just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. When you read the list, it seems apparent that we must be close to our Lord’s return! In the middle of this […]
Lessons from a Solider, an Athlete, and a Farmer
Every Christian faces times of discouragement in his or her walk with the Lord. Timothy was no exception. He experienced fear, a lack of power, and a lack of boldness in sharing his faith and the Gospel. Paul exhorts and encourages him (and us) with lessons drawn from three occupations or vocations-a soldier, an athlete, […]