True Love

What does it take to stay in-love in our marriage? What if God created marriage to make us more loving and forgiving like Him? In this study, Pastor Andy discusses what we can learn in Scripture about True Love.

God and Government

There are three institutions that God has ordained in this order: the Family, the Government, and the Church. In Romans 13, Paul describes the role of government and our responsibility to it. In today’s study, Pastor Gary answers four important questions about government: 1)What does the Bible say is the primary role of government? 2)Why […]

How to Treat One Another

The first eleven chapters of Romans are DOCTRINAL, but the last five chapters of Romans are very PRACTICAL. And one of the themes Paul stresses in the last five chapters is our personal responsibility regarding how we treat one another. In fact, Paul uses the phrase “one another” ten times in the closing five chapters […]

What Is God’s Will for My Life?

Whenever we face a major decision in life, it’s important to discern God’s will on the matter. What is God’s will for where I live? Who I marry? What career path I take? The questions are endless. And God has a perfect will for your life. But even if you don’t hit the “bullseye” and […]

Predestination and Election

Does God predetermine some people to go to Heaven and others to go to Hell?  Did Jesus die only for the Elect (those whom God decided to save)?  Does man have a free will to choose Jesus, or is that God’s choice?  Pastor Gary answers these questions and more in today’s teaching on predestination and […]