Amazing Grace

One of the most vivid and tender stories about God’s grace is found in John 8. A woman was caught in adultery and was brought to Jesus and publicly humiliated before a crowd. It was all a set-up in an attempt to test or trap Jesus. The religious leaders quoted the Old Testament law that […]


Waiting can be a challenge. We know God loves us, but do we trust His timing? James chapter 5 encourages us to be patient during times of uncertainty. When we remember that God is patient with us, we can grow in our patience and learn to wait well.

The Ministry of Truth

The Church in America has become weak, ineffective, cowardly and has strayed from preaching the full counsel of God to the ecclesia (aka church). The Church no longer holds the line of truth, not because the world took it, but because we gave it. To reclaim the ground of truth, we need to be holy grounded in […]

Living Water – The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity—one God who reveals Himself in three persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. In John 7, Jesus introduces us to the Holy Spirit by referring to Him as “living water.” In today’s study Pastor Gary teaches about the person […]

When Bread Is Not Enough

Sometimes people look to Jesus for what He can do for them instead of simply for who He is. We often want Him to “perform” for us – to meet our needs and to answer our prayers – but do we seek His face as much as we seek His hand? Pastor Gary tackles John […]

Miracle at the Pool

In John 5 there was a “great multitude” of sick, lame, and paralyzed people lying around a pool in Jerusalem hoping for a miracle.  One man was there who was an invalid for 38 years.  Jesus was directed by the Father to heal that one man among the many who were sick.  Why did He […]

Complete in Jesus

In John 4, Jesus has a divine appointment with a woman at a well that will be life-changing for her.  She had been on a search for love—married five time and living with a sixth man who was not her husband.  As only Jesus can do, he tenderly performs heart surgery on her by exposing […]

Spiritual Birth

There is a difference between PHYSICAL birth and SPIRITUAL birth. Physical birth was the will and decision of others, but spiritual birth is your choice. There was a Jewish man named Nicodemus who didn’t understand spiritual birth. Like so many people today, people are confused and curious about Jesus. The conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus […]

God Has Saved the Best for Last

The first miracle that Jesus performed during His earthly ministry was the changing of water into wine at the wedding feast in Cana.  No one was healed, no one was raised from the dead, and no one was fed by a few loaves and fish.  This miracle was purely for the enjoyment of the wedding […]