How To Live Until Jesus Comes – Part 4/5

Peter talks about suffering more than any other New Testament writer. The word “suffer” is found 18 times in 1 Peter, and Peter defines three different kinds of suffering Christians may experience. In light of the severe persecution Christians endured at the time of this epistle (64AD), it is a theme they were intimately acquainted […]

How To Live Until Jesus Comes – Part 3/5

Continuing in our series through Peter’s epistles, Pastor Gary points out two more ways God instructs us to live until Jesus comes. He focuses on witnessing in chapter 3 and loving others in chapter 4. Join us in today’s Bible study from 1 Peter.

How To Live Until Jesus Comes – Part 2/5

The apostle Peter gives us more instruction about how we should live until Jesus comes again – by growing spiritually, and by submitting to authority. Join us today as Pastor Gary takes a closer look at these two exhortations from 1 Peter 2.

How To Live Until Jesus Comes – Part 1/5

In 1 & 2 Peter we are reminded that the Second Coming of Christ is imminent. Therefore, what kind of people ought we to be? How should we live if we are always expecting the Lord’s Return? Pastor Gary answers those questions from 1 Peter as we examine chapter 1 today in a new series […]

Ten Marks of Maturity – Part 5/5

How patient are you? How much do you pray? Pastor Gary concludes his series through the book of James with a final look at two marks of maturity in the life of the believer-be patient; be prayerful. Join us in James 5 for today’s message.

Ten Marks of Maturity – Part 4/5

Pastor Gary continues in his series through the epistle of James by looking at two more “marks of maturity” from chapter 4. God warns us about becoming friends with the world and He reminds us that life is short and uncertain. Find out in today’s study how these two points have significance for us as […]

Ten Marks of Maturity – Part 3/5

How well do you watch what you say? Can you think of times when you have either been affirmed or shredded by someone’s words? They can build us up, and they can tear us down. Join Pastor Gary today as we continue in our series through the book of James examining two more marks of […]

Ten Marks of Maturity – Part 2/5

Pastor Gary continues in his series through James by looking at two more marks of maturity in the life of the Believer – put faith into action; and avoid favoritism. Have you ever wondered what the relationship is between faith and works? Have you ever shown partiality to certain people? If so, grab your Bible […]

Ten Marks of Maturity – Part 1/5

The epistle of James is considered to be one of the most practical books in the Bible on the topic of Christian living. James gives more than 50 imperatives in this short letter to help Believers move on to maturity. Over the next few weeks, Pastor Gary will highlight “Ten Marks of Maturity” from the […]

Entertaining Angels

In today’s study from Hebrews 13:2, Pastor Gary takes a look at the topic of angels. The passage says that we should treat strangers well because we might be entertaining angels without knowing it! With nearly 300 passages in the Bible dealing with the subject of angels, let’s undo the myths and let’s understand the […]