A Relationship Is More Powerful Than A Rule

God expects us to live “self-controlled, upright, and godly lives.” But have you ever struggled to live like that? Have you ever felt defeated in trying to live a pure life in a fallen world? In the book of Titus, God gives us a tool to help us-it’s His grace! Find out in today’s study […]

The Unchanging Word in a Changing World

In the closing chapters of 2 Timothy, Paul gives us a list of 19 characteristics that will define the culture in the “last days” just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. When you read the list, it seems apparent that we must be close to our Lord’s return! In the middle of this […]

Lessons from a Solider, an Athlete, and a Farmer

Every Christian faces times of discouragement in his or her walk with the Lord. Timothy was no exception. He experienced fear, a lack of power, and a lack of boldness in sharing his faith and the Gospel. Paul exhorts and encourages him (and us) with lessons drawn from three occupations or vocations-a soldier, an athlete, […]

Helping Others, Giving Generously, and Fight for the Faith

Paul’s closing comments in his first letter to Timothy include more practical instructions for the local church. God commands us to care for those who are in need, to flee from materialism, and to fight the good fight of faith until Jesus comes! Pastor Gary Hamrick tackles these three subjects as we glean more truth […]

Pastors, Elders, Deacons & All: Setting The Example

In God’s continuing instruction to the local church through Paul’s letter to Timothy, qualifications are listed for those who would serve as pastors, elders, or deacons. And even though few will serve the church in these roles, ALL in the church must see their role as one of setting an example for others to follow. […]

Instructions for the Church

The books of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus are called “Pastoral Epistles” because they are written to pastors of local churches. These letters serve to be a manual for what defines the church and how its members are to conduct themselves. Join Pastor Gary today as we look at some of the things that […]

What Does the Lord’s Return Mean? – Part 3/3

Continuing with his theme from 1st Thessalonians, Paul writes 2nd Thessalonians a few months later about the Second Coming of Christ. He explains three things that will happen when Jesus comes or just prior to His Coming. This letter gives significant detail about the Antichrist as well as a warning about falling away from the […]

What Does the Lord’s Return Mean? – Part 2/3

The Second Coming of Christ will occur in two phases-the first phase involves Jesus coming in the clouds to snatch Christians from the earth, a doctrine called “The Rapture.” The second phase is when Jesus returns with the saints to the earth to reign for 1000 Years. What separates the first phase from the second […]

What Does the Lord’s Return Mean? – Part 1/3

Jesus is coming again! The Bible predicted His First Coming with more than 300 prophecies, and the Bible predicts His Second Coming with three times that number of prophecies! The predominant theme of 1st Thessalonians is the Second Coming of Christ. Join Pastor Gary Hamrick as we look at what it means for us that […]

Taking Off The Old, Putting On The New

In Colossians 3, Paul continues his theme of warning us about the things that can “pull” us off track and away from the Lord. He reminds us that we must vigorously deal with our “earthly nature”. He compares it to a garment-a jacket-which needs to be taken off so that we can put on the […]