Dig Down, Grow Up, Stand Firm

Paul warns Christians about two particular “pulls” that will attempt to knock us off course–the Worldly pull and the Hyper-Spiritual pull. Find out the remedy to these particular challenges in today’s study from Colossians 1-2.

The Great Descent

God in flesh came to earth to humbly die for our sins on the cross. The outline of those events is given to us in Philippians 2, and Pastor Gary weaves that passage with the Palm Sunday story in today’s study entitled, “The Great Descent.”

Finding Joy When Life Is Hard

Sometimes life can be crushing: weariness sets in-even for Christians! Paul knew what it was to suffer in life, and yet, he experienced genuine joy in the midst of it. How can we have that? How can we deal with the realities of life’s hardships but still experience the kind of genuine joy and peace […]

Biblical Submission

“Submission”- it’s not a dirty word; it’s a biblical word. God has designed certain areas of our lives to have structure and order for the purpose of harmony and unity. Besides submission to God, government, and church, the book of Ephesians outlines three additional areas of submission-marriage, family, and the workplace. Listen today as Pastor […]

Body Building

Different churches have different philosophies of ministry. The defining verse for Cornerstone Chapel is found here in Ephesians 4:11-13 where God calls us to be an equipping church. When God’s Word is taught, not only will people come to know Jesus as Savior, but it will produce three things in the life of the church: […]

Our Spiritual Blessings in Christ

God wants us to be secure in our relationship with Him. He wants us to understand who we are “in Christ.” In the first chapter of Ephesians, Paul lists seven spiritual blessings that are ours in Christ. Let us rest in the assurance of our salvation and of God’s love for us.

The Battle Within

Have you ever struggled with wanting to live a life that honors God but you keep struggling with your sinful nature? Paul addresses the on-going battle within us between our flesh (sinful nature) and our Spirit. He tells us that we have to make a choice between whether our flesh or God’s Spirit will reign […]

Jesus Only

According to a recent poll, 82% of Americans believe that God exists. Likewise, most people understand that there is a gap…a distance between us and God that must be bridged. But how do we do that? All world religions fall into one of two categories in answering that question: a “works-based” approach or a “faith-based […]

Paradox Principles

The Bible is full of paradoxes-statements that seem to be contradictory or absurd but which are actually valid or true. One of those paradoxes appears here in 2 Corinthians 12:10 where Paul says that he “delights” in his adversities because “when I am weak, then I am strong.” Follow today’s study as Pastor Gary digs […]

The Grace of Giving

So much attention in the Bible is given to the topic of money and material possessions. Sadly, the Church is not doing a very good job communicating a balanced, biblical view of money, possessions, and prosperity. The extremes have caused some to think that either money is bad or that everyone is supposed to be […]