Seven Signs of Spiritual Famine

God uses Amos to prophecy to the kingdom of Israel about the impending judgment that will come upon them. God says He will send a famine on the land – not a famine of bread or water, but a famine of “hearing the words of the LORD”. As believers, we can easily see the effects […]

Faith and Freedom

In this July 4th weekend teaching, Pastor Gary explores our country’s historical Christian heritage as well as our freedom in Christ. Faith and Freedom go together—both physical and spiritual. Many men and women laid down their lives to secure our liberties, and the Church should continue to be salt and light in our world to […]

Wanted: The Brave

How do we respond when we feel like the world is falling apart around us? Do we get angry and fight? Stick our head in the sand? In this special message from Kirk Cameron, we learn that the best approach is a Gospel-centered one.