The Demonic Duo
Two “beasts” emerge in Revelation 13. They are otherwise known as the Antichrist and the False Prophet. Both are empowered by Satan and used by him to achieve a one-world government and a one-world religion. People who refuse to worship the Antichrist or to receive his mark (the mark of the Beast) will be killed. […]
A Woman, a Child, and a Dragon
Through the ages, Satan has been opposed to the redemptive plan of God. But God’s purposes have always prevailed and Satan will eventually be sentenced to eternal punishment. In today’s study from Revelation 12, find out the identity of three important figures-a woman, a child, and a dragon.
Two Witnesses
During the Great Tribulation, God’s mercy is revealed in the midst of His wrath-“two witnesses” are dispatched to share the Gospel so that people can be saved! But who exactly are these two witnesses? And what is their mission? Find out answers to these questions and more in today’s study through Revelation 10-11.
Blowing the Trumpets
The next series of God’s judgment comes in the form of 7 Trumpets. With each trumpet that is blown, additional devastation is poured out upon the earth to awaken unbelievers. Despite God’s attempt to reach a fallen world, chapter 9 ends with the sad commentary that many refused to repent. They loved their sin more […]
Breaking the Seals
God begins to pour out His wrath upon a Christ-rejecting world through a series of Seven Seals that are broken as a Scroll is unraveled. This begins what is commonly referred to as the Tribulation Period that will come upon the whole earth, lasting seven years. In today’s study, Pastor Gary shares the events that […]
Ready for the Rapture
The next event on God’s timetable of End-Times events is the Rapture of the Church-when the Lord will snatch Christians physically, bodily, from the earth to be in Heaven while the Tribulation occurs on earth. It is God’s means of rescuing Believers from the coming wrath. But when will this happen? How can we be […]
The Lukewarm Church – The Church in Laodicea
The seventh and final letter to the churches in Asia Minor deals with spiritual apostasy. The Bible predicts that there will be an abandoning of the truth and a falling away from the faith in the latter days just prior to the return of Christ. We are seeing that happening in the Church today and […]
The Model Church – The Church in Philadelphia
There is no perfect church. You’ve heard the old saying – “If you find one, don’t join it: you’ll ruin it!” There is, however, a model church among the seven churches of Revelation-the church in Philadelphia. Jesus commends them for several things and does not rebuke them about anything. It represents the TRUE Church that […]
The Evaluation of Reputation – The Church in Sardis
People go to great lengths to make sure that they present a good image of themselves. But reputation may not be reality. Such was the case with the church in Sardis-they looked good on the outside, but inside they were spiritually dead. Many people in our world walk around like they “have it all together”, […]
The Problem of Idolatry – The Church in Thyatira
Jesus commends the church in Thyatira for four things: their love, faith, service, and perseverance. But He has a harsh rebuke for the one thing they were not doing well: they tolerated the wicked influence of Jezebel, which was idolatry. Even though we may not bow down to idols today, idolatry is still all around […]