God and Government

There are three institutions that God has ordained in this order: the Family, the Government, and the Church. In Romans 13, Paul describes the role of government and our responsibility to it. In today’s study, Pastor Gary answers four important questions about government: 1)What does the Bible say is the primary role of government? 2)Why […]

How to Treat One Another

The first eleven chapters of Romans are DOCTRINAL, but the last five chapters of Romans are very PRACTICAL. And one of the themes Paul stresses in the last five chapters is our personal responsibility regarding how we treat one another. In fact, Paul uses the phrase “one another” ten times in the closing five chapters […]

What Is God’s Will for My Life?

Whenever we face a major decision in life, it’s important to discern God’s will on the matter. What is God’s will for where I live? Who I marry? What career path I take? The questions are endless. And God has a perfect will for your life. But even if you don’t hit the “bullseye” and […]

Predestination and Election

Does God predetermine some people to go to Heaven and others to go to Hell?  Did Jesus die only for the Elect (those whom God decided to save)?  Does man have a free will to choose Jesus, or is that God’s choice?  Pastor Gary answers these questions and more in today’s teaching on predestination and […]

Israel: Past, Present, and Future

Are the Jewish people God’s “chosen people”? And if so, why have most Jews not accepted Jesus as Messiah? Has the Church “replaced” Israel in terms of promises God made to her that now belong to the Church? Pastor Gary answers these and other questions in today’s study from Romans 9-11. In these three chapters, […]

All Things Work Together for Good

When life is good, it’s easy to quote Romans 8:28 that “all things work together for good.” But when life is not so good, is this verse still true? Are other verses in the Bible still true when our life circumstances do not fit with the promises of the Bible? The answer is YES. It’s […]

Winning the War Within

For the Christian there is a battle within—a battle between our spirit that wants to please the Lord, and our flesh that wants to please self. In Romans 8, Paul gives us three encouraging ways that the Holy Spirit helps us to fight the battle of the flesh and spirit: He empowers us, adopts us, […]

No Condemnation, No Separation

In Romans 8, Paul opens and closes the chapter with two important exhortations: (1) There is no condemnation and (2) There is no separation from the love of God for those who are in Christ Jesus. Too many Christians still walk around under the heavy weight of condemnation, shame, and guilt. In addition, some Christians […]

The Importance of God’s Law

Since Christians are under grace instead of the law, the question becomes—is the law of God pointless now? Some Christians think that! But Paul says otherwise. In Romans 7, Paul gives us three reasons why God’s law is important in the life of the Believer today. Pastor Gary unpacks Romans 7 and also helps us […]

Getting Victory over Sin

The Christian life will have its share of temptations. That’s because when a person trusts Christ as Lord and Savior, his or her spirit is regenerated but not the flesh. The flesh is constantly at war with the spirit so that the spirit wants to please God, but the flesh wants to please self. In […]