Kindergarten through fifth grade students are invited to join us for VBS on Monday, July 14 – Friday, July 18, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Frequently Asked Questions
When is VBS?
Monday, July 14 – Friday, July 18 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
• Limited capacity.
• Doors will open at 8:40 am each morning.
• Parents must walk their children inside to check them in each day.
What is the age requirement?
VBS is available to students from kindergarten to grade 5 (2024-2025 school year).
For a nursery or preschool age child to attend, at least one parent must serve as a VBS volunteer.
How do I Register?
• If you are interested in our Special Needs Ministry VBS, please email: specialneeds@cornerstonechapel.net
• All others, please register by using the link below.
What is the cost?
VBS is $50 per child. A T-shirt is included.
Please note, t-shirt size requests will only be available while supplies last, so register early.
Can I register my child at any time?
Online registration is available from March 2 through June 29, as space allows.
Can my child be placed in the same group as his/her friend?
Prior to June 9, we will do our best to honor special requests if BOTH parties make the request at the time of registration and BOTH children are in the same grade. Teammates must request one another for consideration. Requests are not guaranteed.
How will I know what team my child is on?
Children are assigned to groups according to the grade most recently completed. Their individual team assignments will be available upon check-in on the first day of VBS.
Where do I pick up my child’s t-shirt?
Beginning Sunday, June 22, parents of registered children can pick up their children’s T-shirts at the Children’s Ministry Entrance.
- Pick up before or after Sunday or Wednesday services, or during regular business hours (M-F, 9:00–5:00).
- Shirts will also be available for pick-up on the first day of VBS.
- We cannot exchange sizes.
- We cannot guarantee T-shirt availability for those registering later than June 9.
What are the drop-off and pick-up processes?
- Doors will open at 8:40 am, and VBS will begin promptly at 9:00 am.
- Students attending the Special Needs Ministry VBS should enter and exit through the Children’s Ministry Entrance.
- All others should enter and exit through the West Entrance.
- There will be sign-in kiosks at each drop-off location. If you have several children, you may sign them in at one kiosk.
- Clear signage will be available to direct you to your child’s group in the Sanctuary.
- Doors will open at approximately 12:00 pm for pick-up.
- Children must be signed out and will be released only to those authorized for pick-up on the registration form.
Is my friend/neighbor permitted to pick up my child?
Anyone picking up a child must be listed on the child’s registration form.
- If you need to make changes after the form has been submitted, please email vbs@cornerstonechapel.net.
Can I pick up my child early?
Children are involved in many activities and often rotate throughout the building. For this and other security reasons, early pick-ups are discouraged. Please do your best to schedule dental, doctor, and other appointments outside the VBS schedule.
Does my child need to bring a snack?
We provide a daily snack. Please do not bring a snack except for allergy reasons.
Is the environment allergy safe?
We try to avoid common allergens when selecting snacks, but we cannot guarantee the selection will be free of all possible allergens.
- If your child has a food allergy or other dietary medical condition, we must be made aware at the time of registration.
- You may supply one snack item for your child per day.
- This snack item will be carried by your child’s coach in his/her daily bag. Please give the item to the coach upon arrival.
- Please make sure your child understands that they are not to eat anything other than what you have supplied.
Am I able to observe while VBS is in session?
For the safety of all children and volunteers, no one is permitted to remain in the building except approved and background-checked volunteers, our Safety Team, and church staff.
Is there a dress code?
We ask that children and volunteers wear sneakers, the VBS T-shirt, and modest-length shorts.
What is the 2024 VBS Mission Project?
We will be collecting items to support local food banks in the area.
Do I have to attend Cornerstone Chapel to volunteer?
Attending Cornerstone is not necessary to volunteer, but we do require:
- A completed volunteer registration form.
- A background check (we will send you a link to the background check after you complete your volunteer form).
- A reference (please provide the name and contact information of a person you know at Cornerstone Chapel).
- Attendance at a VBS training meeting.
- If you have questions about volunteering, email vbs.volunteers@cornerstonechapel.net.
When is the volunteer training?
Every volunteer will need to attend ONE of the following training dates:
- Tuesday, June 10 at 6:30 pm
- Tuesday, June 17 at 6:30 pm
- Sunday, June 22 at 1:30 pm
- Tuesday, June 24 at 6:30 pm
- Sunday, June 29 at 1:30 pm
Registered volunteers will receive more information about training via email.
In addition to attending one of the training dates, ALL VOLUNTEERS are required to attend the walkthrough on:
- Sunday, July 13 at 6:00 pm
How will I know where I am serving?
You will receive information regarding your position at the walkthrough on Sunday, July 13 at 6:00 pm. We do our best to place volunteers where they would like to serve, but we cannot guarantee requests as space is limited in some areas. Your flexibility is appreciated!
VBS registration is open to children in kindergarten through 5th grade. Students must have completed kindergarten to register.
Cost: $50
Special Needs Registration
2025 VBS Food Drive
- Cereal
- Ramen
- Rice
- Bagged Beans
- Canned Chicken
- Canned Tuna
- Oatmeal
- Soup
- Mac n Cheese
- Pasta Sauce
- Non-perishable Food
Bring your items to VBS through Friday morning and place them in the bins in the atrium.
E-mail questions to: usoutreach@cornerstonechapel.net