Adult Bible Classes

Our objective for Adult Bible Classes is to deepen and enrich a personal understanding of God’s Word and apply it in life’s daily situations.


Water baptism is a picture of what Jesus has done for us, illustrating Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. Going under the water is symbolic of Jesus’ death and burial, while being raised out of the water is symbolic of His resurrection, representing the new life that we now have in Jesus. Paul speaks of this beautiful picture of sharing in Christ’s death and resurrection in Romans 6:3–4.

“Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”

Baptism is not necessary for salvation because salvation does not come by the works of man. Only Jesus saves, by His grace through faith in Him. Baptism is simply the next step in practicing your faith by publicly acknowledging the decision you have made to follow Christ and live for Him!


Cornerstone offers one-on-one discipleship for men and women. Individuals seeking discipleship are matched with a spiritually mature adult of the same gender who will come alongside and guide them as they study and grow in their relationship with Christ. This discipleship program will give an in-depth understanding of the Christian faith and how to be a man or woman that pleases God.


Cornerstone Chapel’s counseling ministry allows the needs of individuals, marriages and families within our church body to be met. Personal loss, emotional pain, sin issues, spiritual growth and discipleship are all areas in which our Christian counseling ministry could be helpful.

Our church’s approach to counseling is predominantly determined by an understanding of Scripture, which shapes our view of man, pain, and hope in relation to God. The church’s desire is that the counseling ministry would help develop the spiritual community of believers that exists at Cornerstone Chapel.

Cornerstone Chapel Bible Institute

The Cornerstone Chapel Bible Institute is a two year program designed for adults of all ages who have a desire to be trained in the fundamentals and theology of the Christian faith for the purpose of being used in the ministries of the church and for their personal edification.

The Bible Institute’s mission is to provide a place for Christian servant-leaders to be trained and equipped, with the goal of mobilizing them for the work of the Ministry of Jesus Christ.