Work of ministry.

We always have volunteer opportunities available! Volunteering is a great way to serve the Lord and get to know others at Cornerstone. Getting involved as a volunteer provides an opportunity to use your gifts and help build up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11–13). Check out some current opportunities below and get involved.

Volunteer Criteria

The opportunities to volunteer at Cornerstone are very diverse. It is our goal to fit the right people in the right position and as a result, there are different levels of criteria for different areas of service. Some of the more sensitive areas of service require background checks and pastoral approval while other opportunities just require you to know Christ as your Savior.

Select area(s) to serve:

Children's Ministry

Our Children’s Ministry volunteers serve on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings to foster a godly environment for kids to grow and receive age-appropriate, biblical teaching. Both teens and adults are invited to use their gifts with children to serve the body of Christ.

  • Hall Host & Welcome Center
  • Nursery & Preschool
  • Elementary
  • Worship

Our Events volunteers serve on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and at special events throughout the year to create an environment of hospitality. This ministry provides an opportunity for adults aged 18+ to serve the body with their gifts of hospitality and service, artistic and design abilities, and/or organization skills.


Our Facilities volunteers serve on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and at special events throughout the year to provide a clean facility and assist with set up and tear down needs. This ministry provides an opportunity for teens and adults to use their physical abilities and/or handyman skills to serve the body of Christ.

  • Church Services
  • Special Events
  • Building Projects
  • Seasonal Projects
Global Outreach

Throughout the year, the Global Outreach Ministry hosts a variety of events and supports projects dedicated to serving the persecuted church, connecting with unreached people groups, and coming alongside the missionaries and organizations we support. Volunteers are an essential part of our ministry to serve the global community of Christ.

  • Specialized Projects
Guest Services

Our Guest Services Team serves on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and at special events throughout the year to greet and welcome attendees and visitors to our church and answer any questions they might have.


Our Men’s Ministry volunteers serve at special events and/or throughout the week in small group settings. This ministry provides an opportunity for men to use their gifts and abilities to serve the Lord while building relationships with other men.

  • Service Team
  • Small Group Leader
  • Discipleship
Parking/Traffic Control

Our Parking/Traffic Control Team serves on Sunday mornings to ensure vehicles flow in and out of the parking lot as smoothly as possible. Volunteers direct arriving attendees and visitors to parking spots on our campus, or in designated off-site parking areas, and assist in ensuring a safe departure for everyone following the services. The minimum age is 18.

Pre-Service Prayer

Our pre-service prayer is led by a pastor and open to anyone who would like to serve the church by praying before our Sunday services. Join us in the Ministry Room at 7:30 am each Sunday. No sign-up required.

Led by Pastor Mike Emerson. Email with any questions.


Our production volunteers serve Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and at events throughout the month to provide audio, lyrics, broadcast video, and lighting for Church services. This ministry provides an opportunity for teens and adults to use their technical gifts to serve the body of Christ. Previous experience is preferred but not required for all positions. Training is provided, but an aptitude/ability for learning new technology is beneficial. Serving in this ministry currently requires a bimonthly commitment.

  • Broadcast Video technician
  • Photographer (experience and sample work required)
  • Production technician for ministries


Registration and Check-In

Our registration and check-in volunteers (ages 16+) assist with walk up registration and check-in at church events, using customer service and trouble-shooting skills to serve the body.


Our Safety volunteers serve on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and at events throughout the month to provide a safe atmosphere for all of our attendees and visitors. This ministry offers adults who regularly work in, or are retired from, law enforcement, government, military, security, and medical professions an opportunity to use their skills to respond to emergency security or medical needs within the church.

Small Groups

Our Koinonia Group (or K-Group) volunteers serve every two weeks to facilitate or host a small group. This ministry provides an opportunity for men and women to use their gifts as a Bible study facilitator and/or their gifts of hospitality to serve the body of Christ. K-Groups provide a welcoming place to help others grow in their relationship with the Lord and develop strong, lasting friendships.

  • K-Group Facilitator
  • K-Group Host
Spanish Ministry

Our Spanish Ministry volunteers serve our Spanish community on a weekly basis. This ministry provides Spanish speaking teens and adults with the opportunity to provide translation and share their relational gifts.

  • Spanish Translator
  • Spanish Welcome Center
  • Other opportunities
Special Needs

Our Special Needs Ministry volunteers serve on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and at special events throughout the year to provide support to individuals with special needs. Teens and adults are eligible to serve. No prior experience required.

  • Elementary
  • Teen/Adult
US Outreach

Our US Outreach Ministry volunteers serve our community regularly in many practical ways. This ministry provides an opportunity for teens and adults to use their relational gifts, professional knowledge, trade skills, and/or physical abilities to serve the body of Christ.

  • Community Outreach
  • Relational Ministry
  • US Disaster Relief

Our Usher team serves on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings to welcome attendees and visitors into the Sanctuary and help them find seats. This ministry serves alongside our Communion preparation volunteers to serve Communion monthly to our congregation. Volunteers serving in Communion preparation serve once a month on a Sunday and once a month on a Wednesday to prepare the Communion elements.


Our Women’s Ministry volunteers serve at special events and/or throughout the week in small group settings. This ministry provides an opportunity for women to use their gifts and God-given abilities to serve the Lord while enjoying fellowship and building relationships with other women.

  • Greeting Team
  • Women’s Special Event Preparation
  • Childcare
  • Meals Team (provide meals for people in need)
  • Providing Rides (provide rides for women in need)
  • Housework
Worship (Adults/Main)

Our Worship Ministry volunteers serve on Sunday mornings, Wednesday evenings, and at our Nights of Worship using their vocal or musical gifts to serve and lead the body in worship to the Lord.

We hold auditions for our main Sanctuary Worship Team once a year when there is a need. At that time, applications will be open for video submissions.

Worship (Children’s Pre-K–Grade 3)

Our Worship Ministry volunteers serve on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings using their vocal or musical gifts to serve and lead the body in worship to the Lord.

Adults, teens, and children can serve during Children’s Ministry services. A worship audition is required.

Worship (Young Adults)

Our Young Adult Worship Ministry volunteers serve on Monday nights and Nights of Worship using their vocal or musical gifts to serve and lead the body in worship to the Lord.

Young Adults ages 18-29 may apply. A worship audition is required. We are not accepting vocalist applications at this time.

Worship (Youth/Children’s Grades 4–5)

Our Worship Ministry volunteers serve on Sunday mornings, Wednesday and Thursday evenings using their vocal or musical gifts to serve and lead the body in worship to the Lord.

Grades 6-12 can serve during our Youth, and Children’s services. A worship audition is required.

Young Adults

Our Young Adult Ministry volunteers (ages 18-29) serve on Monday evenings at the Young Adults service and at special events throughout the year to serve and influence their peers for Christ, using their gifts and God-given abilities to honor the Lord while building relationships with other young adults.

Youth Ministries

Our Middle and High School Youth Ministries have service opportunities at their annual Summer Camps and Fall/Winter Retreats. Opportunities include:

  • Kitchen team (prepare and serve meals)
  • Counselors
  • Medical team

To find out more, email or