Jehovah: Names of God – Part 2/5
An in-depth study of Judges 6.
The Tale of Two Hearts
Join us as guest speaker, Pastor Stephan Tchividjian, shares about the heart of man vs. the heart of God in this study from Matthew 5:17-48.
Jehovah: Names of God – Part 1/5
An in-depth study of Exodus 17.
The Monumental Moment
Why did Jesus come to Earth when he did? Galatians 4 tells us that God sent his Son at just the right time. God is all about timing – throughout the pages of scripture, throughout history, and throughout each of our lives.
The Perfect Promise
Two of the most dangerous words in the English language are “I promise”. Many of us have been hurt by broken promises, and others of us have not kept our word. Can we really trust God to make good on His promises in the Bible? In today’s message, Pastor Austin unpacks some of the Old […]
A Conversation with Amir Tsarfati and Pastor Gary Hamrick
Join us for an in-depth conversation with Amir Tsarfati.
Thanksgiving Eve Celebration Service
A special Wednesday night service celebrating what God has done in the lives of people from Cornerstone Chapel.
Hide & Go Seek
The most important part of a believer’s life is the part that only God sees – the hidden life. In Psalm 91, believed to be written by Moses, we see the importance of hiding in the Lord and seeking His presence as a place of refuge. Why do we need a place of refuge? Because […]
Midweek Bible Study
An in-depth study of 2 Kings 5.
Entering The World Of The Unknown
Our limited perspective sometimes prevents us from viewing difficult circumstances with an eternal mindset, but God invites us, through the reading of His Word, to dive into the world of the unknown so that our eyes may be opened to the spiritual reality all around us.