I Need a Miracle

Is there a desperate cry of your heart for something that would require a miracle from God?  Maybe for your health, your marriage, a prodigal child, deliverance from an addiction?  Whatever the need, we serve a miracle-working God who is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  In today’s study from Luke 18, Pastor Gary shares […]

Practice Persistent Prayer

Sometimes when we pray we don’t always get WHAT we want, WHEN we want it.  Nevertheless, Jesus encourages us to keep on praying and to not become discouraged.  He teaches a parable about a widow who continually appealed to a judge for justice until the judge finally granted her wish.  The point of the parable […]

The Culture before Christ’s Return

What will the SOCIAL and SPIRITUAL condition of the culture look like just prior to Jesus’ return? In Luke 17 Jesus says it will be like the days of Noah and the days of Lot—a righteous minority living among a wicked majority. The wickedness in the world will not only be tolerated but celebrated too […]

Where Are the Nine?

In Luke 17 Jesus encounters ten men afflicted with leprosy—a debilitating and ultimately deadly disease that is mentioned 68 times in the Bible.  Jesus miraculously healed all ten men but only one returned to give thanks to Jesus.  When he did, he received even more than the other nine—salvation.  All ten men received physical healing, […]

The Value of Life

Whenever a sensitive or controversial topic comes up, it is the Church’s responsibility to address it with GRACE and TRUTH. Such is the case with the topic of abortion. Today’s teaching marks the 38th anniversary of the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday since President Ronald Reagan made the first proclamation in 1984, eleven years after […]

Life After Death

Most people have a curiosity about the afterlife. That’s because the Bible says that “God has set eternity in the hearts of men” (Ecc. 3:11). The eternal God has put an eternal awareness in the hearts of every human being. In Luke 16 Jesus tells one of the most insightful stories about the afterlife. He […]

Worldly Wealth for Heavenly Good

In an unfamiliar parable told only by Luke, Jesus wants us to understand that money and material things by themselves are not bad. In fact, they can and should be used for good… just don’t love stuff as much or more than you love God. Pastor Gary shares five important principles from this parable about […]

Prophecies about the First Christmas

What did the ancient prophets have to say about the birth of the Messiah?  Matthew, in his gospel, quotes five prophecies from his Jewish Scriptures (our Old Testament) about the birth of the Messiah that were fulfilled by Jesus Christ.  Why is it important for us to know this—that Jesus fulfilled ancient prophecies written hundreds […]