No Condemnation, No Separation

In Romans 8, Paul opens and closes the chapter with two important exhortations: (1) There is no condemnation and (2) There is no separation from the love of God for those who are in Christ Jesus. Too many Christians still walk around under the heavy weight of condemnation, shame, and guilt. In addition, some Christians […]

Spontaneous Grace

In Luke 19, Jesus sent two of His disciples to retrieve the young donkey on which He would ride for His triumphal entry into Jerusalem preceding His crucifixion. When the owners inquired as to why the disciples were taking their donkey, the disciples were to respond, “Because the Lord has need of it.” The owners […]

The Importance of God’s Law

Since Christians are under grace instead of the law, the question becomes—is the law of God pointless now? Some Christians think that! But Paul says otherwise. In Romans 7, Paul gives us three reasons why God’s law is important in the life of the Believer today. Pastor Gary unpacks Romans 7 and also helps us […]

Getting Victory over Sin

The Christian life will have its share of temptations. That’s because when a person trusts Christ as Lord and Savior, his or her spirit is regenerated but not the flesh. The flesh is constantly at war with the spirit so that the spirit wants to please God, but the flesh wants to please self. In […]

What Adam Ruined, Jesus Redeemed

When Adam and Eve sinned against God in the Garden of Eden by eating from the one tree that God had warned them not to eat, the human race became tainted. The genetic code of the human soul became permanently altered, and thus all of the descendants of Adam inherited the same sinful nature. That’s […]

An Anchor of the Soul

How do we follow Christ in a culture that celebrates wickedness? Bishop E.W. Jackson challenges us to rely on God’s power as we seek to steward all that God has given us, trusting in Him as the Anchor for the soul.

Show Me Your Glory

The light of God’s glory in our nation has grown dim due to our rebellion and disobedience. God’s glory has even grown dim in the walls of our churches because we have strayed from His Word. This was the story of the Israelites in Exodus 33. God’s glory and presence would no longer travel with […]

The Tale of Two Hearts

Join us as guest speaker, Pastor Stephan Tchividjian, shares about the heart of man vs. the heart of God in this study from Matthew 5:17-48.

Stepping Stones to Hope

There are a lot of people in the world who have no hope—overwhelmed with grief, or pain, or sorrow, or anxiety—regretting the past, uncertain about the present, or worrying about the future. But God offers us a HOPE that the world does not have. In Romans 5, Paul tells us that there is a path […]