What Adam Ruined, Jesus Redeemed

When Adam and Eve sinned against God in the Garden of Eden by eating from the one tree that God had warned them not to eat, the human race became tainted. The genetic code of the human soul became permanently altered, and thus all of the descendants of Adam inherited the same sinful nature. That’s […]
Jesus is God

There are a lot of views and opinions in the world about who Jesus is. Many world religions say that He was a prophet, or a great teacher, or an enlightened man. But the best way we can understand the identity of Jesus is to examine His words and His works in the Bible—who He […]
The Identity and Deity of Jesus

There are many opinions in the world today about who Jesus is. Some say He is just a prophet, some say He is a created being, some don’t believe in Him at all. But exactly who is Jesus? The apostle John goes into great detail in John 1 about the true identity and deity of […]
Who is Jesus?
Jesus, prophet, identity, teacher, religions
The Priority of Jesus, the Practice of Worship
Priority, practice, spirituality, Jesus, worship
Passover Service
Passover, Lamb, Jesus, Sacrifice