True Love

What does it take to stay in-love in our marriage? What if God created marriage to make us more loving and forgiving like Him? In this study, Pastor Andy discusses what we can learn in Scripture about True Love.
No Condemnation, No Separation

In Romans 8, Paul opens and closes the chapter with two important exhortations: (1) There is no condemnation and (2) There is no separation from the love of God for those who are in Christ Jesus. Too many Christians still walk around under the heavy weight of condemnation, shame, and guilt. In addition, some Christians […]
Love Like Jesus
Jesus tells us to “love one another” as He has loved us, and that when we do, it will show the world that we are His disciples. But how is love defined in the Bible? And how are we to demonstrate this kind of love to others? The world today defines love in a very […]
God Will Take You Back
Love, adultery, unfaithfulness
Every Morning is Another Chance
Love, compassion, mercy, faithfulness
God’s Love
God’s love, love
The Blessings and Benefits of the Bible – Part 4/7
Wisdom, discernment, Bible, love, discipline
The Goodness & Love of God
Goodness, love, wanderers, prisoners, foolish, weary
Being Others-Oriented
others-oriented, serve, love, community
Love and Redemption
Love, redemption, Ruth, Boaz, single, married, kinsman-redeemer