Running the Race

Six times in the New Testament living the Christian life is compared to “running a race”. The starting line is when we trust Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. The finish line is when we die and go to Heaven or when Christ returns to take us Home, whichever happens first. The time in […]
Revival or Revolt?

Wherever Christ is preached there is usually one of two responses—either revival or revolt. When the light of Jesus is turned on, it confronts the darkness of whatever it touches. If the response is contrition and humility, the result is revival. But if the response is confusion and hostility, the result is revolt. In Acts 19, we see […]
Taking Jesus to the Marketplace

People who don’t normally come to church or know anything about the Bible will not understand who Jesus is unless Christians tell them. In Acts 17, Paul went to the “marketplace” and explained Jesus in terms that “unchurched” people could understand. His conversation and interaction with the pagan people of Athens teaches us some important […]
Sing in the Darkness

There are times in the course of life when things are hard and life is difficult. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas had been beaten and thrown into prison. They didn’t know whether they would be rescued or whether they would be killed for their faith. Nevertheless, they “prayed and sang” to the Lord because […]
What Tough Times Teach Us

If you are going through a difficult time, you are not alone. Plenty of people suffer in this life. But for the Christian, there are things we can learn through adversity. In Acts 14:22 it says, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.” Pastor Gary unpacks this verse and teaches four things […]
Embrace God’s Grace

Did you know that being a “good person” is not good enough? The Bible tells us that the human condition is broken and sinful and therefore we need a Savior—Jesus. We can’t do or say enough good things to overcome our broken condition. But here’s the good news—God offers us forgiveness of sins through faith […]
That’s Not Fair!

We tend to view events and circumstances in life as either “fair” or “unfair”. Sometimes it’s hard to reconcile situations that don’t make sense to us. What do you do when God doesn’t do what you want Him to do? In Acts 12, two of Jesus’ original Twelve Disciples, James and Peter, are arrested by […]
Lessons from a Jew and a Gentile

Some people believe they are relatively good and don’t really need God. Others believe they are too bad for God to forgive them. Truth is, it doesn’t matter what we think about ourselves. What matters is what God thinks. And what God thinks is that everyone needs a Savior because no one is good enough […]
Five Ways to Guard Against Spiritual Warfare
The Bible is a book about two kingdoms – the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness. We see the Kingdom of Darkness interact with the Kingdom of Light throughout the book of Acts as Satan opposes the work the Lord does through His followers. How should we approach the topic of spiritual warfare, […]
A Transformed Life

One of the most dramatic conversion stories is recorded in Acts 9 when Saul (Paul) meets Jesus on the road to Damascus. This encounter will forever transform his life. Paul will go from being a persecutor and murderer of Christians to becoming a Believer himself who will, next to Jesus, have the most profound impact […]