No Reason to Hide

In today’s teaching, Dr. Erwin Lutzer exposes how the culture is collapsing and how Christians will need to stand alone on God’s truth. Drawn from the example of Daniel’s three friends in Daniel chapter 3, sometimes we must live counter to the culture and trust God to deliver us, either in this life or in […]
The End Times

Rapture, tribulation, antichrist, judgment
5 Things That Hinder Our Prayers

Angels, Demons, Prayer
God’s Kindness Leads us to Repentance

The Coming Antichrist

Lessons from the Lions’ Den

jealousy, integrity, loyalty, and the sovereignty of God
When God Weighs Us

Weighs, accountability, humility, sanctity, fidelity
Who is King of Your Life?

True Faith

Faith, courage
Kings and Kingdoms

Antichrist, End times, return of Christ