When in the Wilderness

Temptation is a part of everyday life, so what does the Bible say on how to combat it? Matthew 4 tells us the Spirit compelled Jesus to go into the wilderness where he would fast 40 days and suffer temptation from Satan himself. Jesus being fully God and fully human was tempted in every way, […]

What does the Holy Spirit look like?

Join us as Pastor Tony Clark explores the question, “What does the Holy Spirit look like?” Drawing inspiration from Ephesians 5:15-33, He delves into the tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit in our lives, highlighting the transformative power of His presence and how it impacts our relationships, worship, and daily walk with God. Join us […]

Present Sufferings vs. Future Glory

Join Author, Speaker and Activist John Amanchukwu as he draws powerful parallels between the present sufferings of this world and the future glory promised in Romans 8:18, using the compelling examples of the Martyrdom of Stephen, Polycarp, and Eulalia of Barcelona.

Revival or Revolt?

Wherever Christ is preached there is usually one of two responses—either revival or revolt. When the light of Jesus is turned on, it confronts the darkness of whatever it touches. If the response is contrition and humility, the result is revival. But if the response is confusion and hostility, the result is revolt. In Acts 19, we see […]

Taking Jesus to the Marketplace

People who don’t normally come to church or know anything about the Bible will not understand who Jesus is unless Christians tell them. In Acts 17, Paul went to the “marketplace” and explained Jesus in terms that “unchurched” people could understand. His conversation and interaction with the pagan people of Athens teaches us some important […]

Sing in the Darkness

There are times in the course of life when things are hard and life is difficult. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas had been beaten and thrown into prison. They didn’t know whether they would be rescued or whether they would be killed for their faith. Nevertheless, they “prayed and sang” to the Lord because […]