Being Confident in God’s Completion

In Philippians 1:6, Paul describes God’s promise to carry out His good work in the lives of believers. Guest Speaker Garid Beeler expands on this idea, and how it affects the way we as Christians should live: in full belief and confidence of the Lord’s will in our lives. Even when times are hard, we […]

The Ministry of Thorns

In 2 Corinthians 12:7 Paul describes “a thorn in the flesh” that was given to him. This affliction was not meant to drag him down, but to keep him humble and in need of God. In this sermon, entitled “Ministry of Thorns”, Matt Maher unpacks this passage to take an honest look at the “thorns” […]

Light in Darkness

Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, we as believers are to reflect the light of Christ in our dark world. However, the only time the moon does not reflect the sun’s light is during an eclipse. In today’s message, Guest Speaker, Pastor Tony Clark, tells us how to avoid experiencing a […]