Lessons From A Teenager

Mary the mother of Jesus plays a significant role in the Christmas story, but she also has been a figure of confusion over the centuries. Who was Mary according to the Bible? How do our views differ from the views of the Roman Catholic Church regarding Mary’s life and legacy? And what can we learn […]

A Prayer for Unity

When Jesus prays for us in John 17, He asks the Father to give us UNITY. But what kind of “unity” is Jesus speaking of? Does He mean that we should just all “get along,” accepting everything and anything under the “umbrella of unity?” Not at all. Unfortunately, some Christians and/or churches, in pursuit of […]

Who is the Holy Spirit

Jesus talks more about the Holy Spirit than any other single subject during His closing words to the Disciples gathered in the Upper Room for their last Passover together. He wants to assure them that even though He is going away (when He ascends back into Heaven after His crucifixion and resurrection), He will not […]

Pray Like Jesus

Everyone has probably prayed at some point in their lives—either out of desperation or celebration. But fewer actually practice prayer as a spiritual discipline. A “spiritual discipline” is a habit, practice, or experience designed to develop, grow, and strengthen one’s relationship with the Lord. Bible study, periodic fasting, attending church would all be examples of […]

Heaven and How to Get There

What will Heaven be like? How can we get there? Pastor Gary answers these two questions today’s study from John 14. Many people think that if they are good enough they will get to Heaven when they die, but then the question becomes, “How good is good enough?” Thankfully, Jesus died on a cross for our sins because […]

Love Like Jesus

Jesus tells us to “love one another” as He has loved us, and that when we do, it will show the world that we are His disciples.  But how is love defined in the Bible?  And how are we to demonstrate this kind of love to others?  The world today defines love in a very […]

Christians, Do Not Come Down

If Satan can’t defeat us through disobedience, he will try to defeat us through discouragement. Many things about life can easily take a toll on us and the Enemy will do all he can to capitalize on those things in order to bring us down—but we can learn from the story of Nehemiah about how he […]

Serve Like Jesus

In today’s study from John 13, Pastor Gary teaches about the time when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. It was a pure gesture of love and humility. The God of the Universe stooped down to wash the dirty feet of sinners! And then He tells us to “follow His example.” How are we […]

Light in a Dark World

The Bible uses multiple references to “light” and “darkness”—good and evil—right and wrong. Jesus stepped into our dark world as the Light of the world. He died on a cross to bring us into the light and to rescue us from the dominion of darkness. In today’s study, Pastor Gary talks about these terms of […]

No Reason to Hide

In today’s teaching, Dr. Erwin Lutzer exposes how the culture is collapsing and how Christians will need to stand alone on God’s truth. Drawn from the example of Daniel’s three friends in Daniel chapter 3, sometimes we must live counter to the culture and trust God to deliver us, either in this life or in […]