The Model Church – The Church in Philadelphia

There is no perfect church. You’ve heard the old saying – “If you find one, don’t join it: you’ll ruin it!” There is, however, a model church among the seven churches of Revelation-the church in Philadelphia. Jesus commends them for several things and does not rebuke them about anything. It represents the TRUE Church that […]

Miracle Morning

2000 years ago, Jesus Christ rose from the dead – it was a miracle morning! Jesus said, “Because I live, you also shall live.” He promises us new life in Him as a free gift for all who believe and receive. Open your hearts to the resurrection story as Pastor Gary shares from the gospel […]

The Evaluation of Reputation – The Church in Sardis

People go to great lengths to make sure that they present a good image of themselves. But reputation may not be reality. Such was the case with the church in Sardis-they looked good on the outside, but inside they were spiritually dead. Many people in our world walk around like they “have it all together”, […]

The Problem of Idolatry – The Church in Thyatira

Jesus commends the church in Thyatira for four things: their love, faith, service, and perseverance. But He has a harsh rebuke for the one thing they were not doing well: they tolerated the wicked influence of Jezebel, which was idolatry. Even though we may not bow down to idols today, idolatry is still all around […]

A Marriage of Compromise – The Church in Pergamum

Pergamum is derived from the Greek word “gamos” meaning, marriage. There was a mixed marriage of godliness and worldliness among some in this church, and Jesus called them to repentance. God is zealous for His honor among His people and He does not want us to tolerate compromise in our lives. Turn in your Bibles […]

The Fragrance of Suffering – The Church in Smyrna

Suffering is a part of life to one degree or another. In this letter to the suffering church of Smyrna, Jesus commends them for their faithfulness in the face of difficulty, persecution, poverty, and even death. He reminds them (and us) that our eternal reward far outweighs this present life. Join Pastor Gary Hamrick as […]

Return to Your First Love – The Church in Ephesus

In the first of seven letters to the churches of Asia Minor, Jesus has three compliments and one major complaint for the church in Ephesus: among several things they are doing well, they have forsaken their first love-Jesus Christ. It can happen. Life gets busy, things become routine, and relationships grow distant. Do you remember […]

Unlocking Revelation

The great majority of the book of Revelation concerns events that are yet to come. The Lord has given us, as revealed to and recorded by the Apostle John, great detail about what will happen in the future to the earth and to humanity. Revelation reminds us that Jesus is coming again and encourages us […]

It’s Worth Fighting For!

Jude begins his epistle reminding us that we are loved by God and kept by Jesus Christ. In other words, God is actively at work to protect and preserve our relationship with Him. But we have a responsibility in this relationship as well – “to contend for the faith” as Jude says in verse 3. […]

Love and Truth – Part 3/3

In the conclusion of the “Love and Truth” series, Pastor Gary takes a look at 2nd and 3rd John where TRUTH is mentioned 11 times. Philosophers and scholars through the ages have tried to define and debate truth. What is truth? Is there absolute truth? And if so, who can know it? Find out the […]