Faith Lessons – Part 2/5

As we continue in our series on “Faith Lessons”, Pastor Gary takes a look at the lives of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. These three men were such examples of faith that God will become known as “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.” Join us in Hebrews 11:8-21 for more encouraging examples of people who […]

Faith Lessons – Part 1/5

Pastor Gary begins a 4-part series today on the topic of faith drawing from the examples of men and women listed in Hebrews 11. We will study their stories and learn what it means for us to be men and women of faith in today’s world.

A Savior is Better than a System

The writer of Hebrews is going to contrast Jesus with the Old Testament system of high priests and animal sacrifices. He will prove that Jesus is superior to that system of works and that He is the only way for us to be saved–through faith in Him as Savior. Many people today have their own […]

Entering God’s Rest

Life can sometimes be burdensome and challenging. In addition, our own sin can weigh us down with guilt and shame. We need the kind of rest that only God can give. Jesus calls the weary to come to Him and “find rest for your soul.” The word “rest” is found thirteen times in Hebrews 3-4 […]

The Danger of Drifting

Have you ever been swimming in the ocean for about 20 minutes only to realize how far you have drifted down the shore line? It happens so quickly and so easily. Drifting. It can occur in a family, a marriage, a church, and even in a relationship with Jesus. One minute things are going so […]

Forgive and Ask for Forgiveness

It’s the shortest of Paul’s epistles, but it delivers a powerful punch about why we need to forgive and ask for forgiveness. The story centers around a runaway slave, named Onesimus, and his master, Philemon, the recipient of this letter. In this very personal, pithy letter, Paul is used by the Holy Spirit to remind […]

A Relationship Is More Powerful Than A Rule

God expects us to live “self-controlled, upright, and godly lives.” But have you ever struggled to live like that? Have you ever felt defeated in trying to live a pure life in a fallen world? In the book of Titus, God gives us a tool to help us-it’s His grace! Find out in today’s study […]

The Unchanging Word in a Changing World

In the closing chapters of 2 Timothy, Paul gives us a list of 19 characteristics that will define the culture in the “last days” just prior to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. When you read the list, it seems apparent that we must be close to our Lord’s return! In the middle of this […]

Lessons from a Solider, an Athlete, and a Farmer

Every Christian faces times of discouragement in his or her walk with the Lord. Timothy was no exception. He experienced fear, a lack of power, and a lack of boldness in sharing his faith and the Gospel. Paul exhorts and encourages him (and us) with lessons drawn from three occupations or vocations-a soldier, an athlete, […]