A Transformed Life

One of the most dramatic conversion stories is recorded in Acts 9 when Saul (Paul) meets Jesus on the road to Damascus. This encounter will forever transform his life. Paul will go from being a persecutor and murderer of Christians to becoming a Believer himself who will, next to Jesus, have the most profound impact […]

From Bitter to Better

Have you ever battled bitterness? It’s not that uncommon. Bitterness usually sets in after one painful or disappointing event, or series of events, that rob people of the joy they once had. Sometimes bitterness is expressed outwardly—people who are mean, angry, moody, and negative. But sometimes bitterness is internal—people who are suffering on the inside but smiling on […]

Jesus is the cure!

The world is feeding us self-affirming lies that we are all OK. The narrative goes like this: “You be you, and I’ll be me; we are all fine. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” But we are not OK. And if we were, then why have suicide rates steadily increased in American over the past […]

Followers in the Crowd

When Jesus arrived in Jerusalem during the week of Passover–just before His crucifixion–He was worshipped openly as the Messiah. Join Pastor Mike McClure from Calvary Chapel San Jose as he discusses Jesus through the eyes of the people He encountered along the way.

A Martyr’s Example

The first martyr of the Early Church was a man named Stephen. He was killed defending his faith in Jesus Christ. His life and death serve as a great example for Christians today and also challenges us with three questions: (1) Do I love God more than my own life? (2) Do I forgive others who have wronged […]

Lessons from the Early Church

The Early Church was united around common beliefs and common burdens—the belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior, and the burden of being persecuted by those who opposed them. Jews in the first century who believed in Jesus as Lord and Savior were killed at worst and cancelled at best. As a result of facing […]

What Is The Coming Day Of The Lord?

Why does Hollywood love to make apocalyptic movies about the end of the world? Believer and unbeliever alike understand that our time on earth will eventually come to an end! The Bible describes this great and awesome day as the “Coming Day of the Lord,” or simply, “That Day.” But what exactly is this “Day” […]

When It’s OK to Disobey

At some point every Christian’s faith will be tested in the area of conscience and duty—to see whether you will have the courage to obey God rather than man wherever man’s law and authority contradicts the higher law and authority of God. The Early Church practiced civil disobedience wherever that contradiction existed. We have been […]

Four Foundations of the Church

In 1869, the tallest lighthouse in America was built in Cape Hatteras, NC. It was built ½ mile from the coast, but after more than a hundred years of beach erosion, the Army Corps of Engineers had to relocate the lighthouse another ½ mile inland. The erosion threatened the foundation of the lighthouse. In a […]