The Gift of Tongues

In today’s study, Pastor Gary teaches about one of the gifts of the Spirit that manifests in Acts 2 known as “tongues.” Tongues is a known language, except to the person speaking, that God gives a Believer for the purpose of prayer and/or praise to God. But is it still available today? Should all Believers […]

The Day of Pentecost

The followers of Jesus, who numbered about 120, were told to wait in Jerusalem until the “Promise” of the Holy Spirit. When the Day of Pentecost came, God poured out the Holy Spirit on all who had gathered in that Upper Room. It was an AUDIBLE, VISIBLE, and VERBAL event—the sound like a rushing wind, […]

The Power of the Holy Spirit

Some Christians feel powerless—struggling to have victory over sin, unable to be bold in their witness, tired of running the race, wondering if there is more to the Christian life than just biding their time until Jesus returns. Maybe this describes you, and maybe it’s all because there is an absence of God’s power without the […]

The God of Restoration

In our society we typically throw away things that are broken or in terrible condition. But not God! He loves what is broken and discarded because then He can mend them and reclaim them for His glory. In other words, God is the God of restoration. Biblical restoration is when God takes something broken and […]

Focusing On The Family In Troubling Times

In Jeremiah 29, the prophet Jeremiah communicated the Lord’s instructions for the Israelites during their exile from Israel and captivity in Babylon. At the heart of these instructions, God exhorted the Israelites to focus on their families. Even as the Israelites endured the consequences of their failure to follow God (resulting in their exile), God […]

Pilate the People-Pleaser

Pontius Pilate was the Prefect appointed by Rome to oversee central Israel, including the city of Jerusalem, during the time of Christ. In fact, he became the pivotal figure in sentencing Jesus to death by crucifixion. Ironically, Pilate had determined three times that Jesus was not guilty of being condemned to death. So then why […]

Question & Answer Service

Pastor Gary Hamrick, along with his two sons Tyler & Austin, attempt to answer your Bible questions.

God’s Gift to the World

Christmas day is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ! He was God’s greatest Gift to the world. In fact, it’s why we give gifts at Christmas time—to commemorate the Gift and the Gift-Giver! In today’s short teaching, Pastor Gary uses “GIFTS” as an acronym to remember that God Is Faithful To Save! God […]

A Census, An Angel, and a Star

At the first Christmas 2000 years ago, God used different events and objects to direct people to Jesus—to behold the One who was born to save the world. He used a census to lead Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem where Jesus was to be born. He used an angel to lead shepherds to witness the […]

God Chose You

Matthew 1 takes us to the scene of Joseph taking Mary as his wife and adopting Jesus as his own. God chose Joseph for a specific purpose – to raise His only Son. Joseph’s example gives us a glimpse of God the Father, who loves us and has chosen us for a specific purpose. How […]