When Life is Good, Don't Forget God
Deuteronomy 5-9
September 15, 2013
Deuteronomy Old Testament

Hardship has a natural way of moving us closer to God. When life is difficult, we tend to pray more, read our Bibles more, and turn to God more. But when life is good, we tend to forget God. This was God’s warning to the Israelites when they were about to enter the Promised Land – “When life is good, don’t forget Me!” Many of us can relate to this important truth! How can we remember to stay close to God in the good times too? Find out in today’s Bible study as Pastor Gary shares five principles from Deuteronomy 5-9.



weather announcement

No Midweek Service

Cornerstone’s midweek service is canceled February 12 due to potential icy conditions.