God Help, I'm Depressed
1 Kings 19
March 15, 2015
1 Kings Old Testament

Ever felt discouraged or depressed? Everyone has at some point in their lifetime! But some people struggle with it for longer periods of time than others. Yet, in some circles of the Church it’s taboo to talk about Christians and depression, as if, because we have the hope of Jesus we should always be bubbly, smiling, and happy. But the reality is, even some of the great saints of the Bible suffered through despair-Elijah, Jonah, Hannah, Job, David, and Paul, to name a few. In 1 Kings 19 we see this suffering condition in Elijah’s life. His despair was so great, that he even prayed to die. But God did not answer that prayer. Instead, He encouraged Elijah through a “gentle whisper.”

