What God has Prepared for Us

Since the beginning of time, God has had a plan to rescue the world through the cross of Jesus Christ. And then He says, “Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Acts 2:21). Paul describes this wonderful gift in 1 Corinthians 2, and Pastor Gary shares how a person can […]
Being Relatable for Christ

In the closing chapter of Acts, Paul meets with some Jewish leaders to explain the truth about Jesus. Until his dying day, Paul used various encounters with people as opportunities to tell them about Jesus Christ. He always looked for a “relatable entry point” in connecting the hearts of people with the truth of Jesus. […]
Lessons from a Jew and a Gentile

Some people believe they are relatively good and don’t really need God. Others believe they are too bad for God to forgive them. Truth is, it doesn’t matter what we think about ourselves. What matters is what God thinks. And what God thinks is that everyone needs a Savior because no one is good enough […]
Small Man, Big Change
In Luke 19 there is a story of a man named Zacchaeus who had a personal encounter with Jesus. The Bible describes him as having a “short stature” but the change that happened in his heart was huge. Zacchaeus was a hated tax collector who had fleeced his own Jewish people with extra taxation in […]
Where Are the Nine?
In Luke 17 Jesus encounters ten men afflicted with leprosy—a debilitating and ultimately deadly disease that is mentioned 68 times in the Bible. Jesus miraculously healed all ten men but only one returned to give thanks to Jesus. When he did, he received even more than the other nine—salvation. All ten men received physical healing, […]
Walk Through that Door
The Bible describes salvation like a gate or a door. It is open to all, but it is narrow and it won’t stay open forever. We are invited to walk through that door of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. He will take us just as we are—broken and bruised, dirty and ashamed—and He will […]
Being Good Isn’t Good Enough
Eternal life, good works, salvation
Season of Peace
peace, redemption, salvation
Cleansed from a Leprous Heart
Leprosy, sin, salvation, cleansed
God’s Gift to the World
Christmas, salvation