God’s View of Money & Giving

For Christians, everything about our lives should be submitted under the lordship of Jesus Christ, including our money and material possessions. All that we have comes from the hand of God, so everything we gain and everything we give should be done to honor the Lord. In today’s study, Pastor Gary teaches from the last […]

God’s View of Spiritual Gifts

God gives Believers spiritual gifts for the purpose of edifying the Church and glorifying God. But over the years, there has been great debate within God’s Church about whether or not the gifts are still operational today. In today’s teaching from 1 Corinthians 12–14, Pastor Gary briefly addresses this topic as he speaks about the […]

God’s View of Smoking (and Other Debates)

What does God think of smoking, vaping, tattooing, drinking, and piercings? And what about movies and music? There are plenty of issues today that are not clearly spelled out in the Bible for which God gives us liberty according to one’s personal conscience. Pastor Gary tackles these topics today to help us understand how to […]

God’s View of Divorce

The average divorce rates for Americans are 42 percent for first marriages, 60 percent for second marriages, and 73 percent for third marriages. Since this affects so many people (the couple, the children, the extended family and friends, etc.), it is important to understand God’s view of divorce. What does the Bible say about this […]

God’s View of Singleness & Marriage

Whether you are single or married, God has something to say to you through the Bible. There are certain guidelines and parameters for us, no matter what our marital status, concerning how we are to conduct ourselves in relationships. In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul begins by addressing single adults and then moves on to discuss […]

God’s View of Sex

While the culture shouts, “My body, my choice”, the Bible contradicts that for Believers. For Christians, Paul says that our bodies belong to the Lord, and we need to honor God with our bodies. Since our bodies include our sexuality, the question becomes—what does God expect of us in the area of sexuality? Paul gives […]

Lawsuits and Lifestyles

If someone begins a question with the phrase, “Do you not know?” this usually implies that either you did know, or should have known, but you failed to act. Paul begins six questions like this in 1 Corinthians 6 to correct some things that the Corinthian church was doing wrong. In today’s study, Pastor Gary […]

Biblical Tolerance

In today’s study from 1 Corinthians 5, Pastor Gary explains the rare, but sometimes necessary, need to exercise “church discipline”—the process by which church leadership confronts a person living in open, unrepentant sin, encourages the person to repent of that sin, but then removes the person from fellowship if he/she does not repent. And what […]

What God has Prepared for Us

Since the beginning of time, God has had a plan to rescue the world through the cross of Jesus Christ. And then He says, “Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Acts 2:21). Paul describes this wonderful gift in 1 Corinthians 2, and Pastor Gary shares how a person can […]

It’s Time to Grow Up!

What hinders people from going on to maturity in their faith? That was the question concerning the church in Corinth. Paul writes his first epistle to them in response to questions they had had, and to correct them about what they were doing wrong. They were guilty of idolizing their leaders and of allowing a […]