What Adam Ruined, Jesus Redeemed

When Adam and Eve sinned against God in the Garden of Eden by eating from the one tree that God had warned them not to eat, the human race became tainted. The genetic code of the human soul became permanently altered, and thus all of the descendants of Adam inherited the same sinful nature. That’s […]

Stepping Stones to Hope

There are a lot of people in the world who have no hope—overwhelmed with grief, or pain, or sorrow, or anxiety—regretting the past, uncertain about the present, or worrying about the future. But God offers us a HOPE that the world does not have. In Romans 5, Paul tells us that there is a path […]

And Now, the Good News!

The world says, “Man is basically good.” But God’s Word says, “Man is basically bad and in need of a Savior!” Since man is guilty before God and deserves punishment, the question is—How can we be made right with God? Paul answers that question from three different angles. Join Pastor Gary as he teaches through […]

Guilty as Charged

Some people are self-righteous and they judge everyone else by their own standard. Some people are overrighteous and they pride themselves in being better than everyone else. But both are sinful before God. In fact, ALL of us are “guilty as charged.” Paul makes the case that no one has an excuse for denying or […]

When a Culture Excludes God

What does a culture of any nation look like when it excludes God? Take a look around at American culture right now. It looks like that! Even though Paul wrote Romans 1 in the first century A.D., what he describes then is just as apparent now. When man removes God from the equation, man resorts […]

First, the Bad News

There is a common saying… “There’s some good news, and there’s some bad news.” That saying could describe the book of Romans. It has a lot of good news (in fact, the word “gospel” means “good news”). But the book of Romans also has some bad news about God’s wrath and how we deserve it […]

Present Sufferings vs. Future Glory

Join Author, Speaker and Activist John Amanchukwu as he draws powerful parallels between the present sufferings of this world and the future glory promised in Romans 8:18, using the compelling examples of the Martyrdom of Stephen, Polycarp, and Eulalia of Barcelona.

A Biblical Response to the ‘Transing’ of America

In this teaching Pastor Gary gives a Biblical response to the cultural chaos and the corporate controversy that has overtaken our country with gender confusion, sexual perversion, and a “woke” agenda. How can we navigate all the madness without losing our hearts for those who are caught up in the madness? We should be outraged […]

The Unashamed Life

Al Robertson pastored for more than 22 years at Whites Ferry Road Church in West Monroe, LA. Now he travels with his wife, Lisa, sharing their story of redemption and grace at marriage conferences. Al is the oldest son of the Duck Dynasty family. In today’s teaching he shares the family story and encourages us […]