Season of Hope

In the Christmas carol, O Holy Night, there’s a line in the first stanza that reads: “A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices.” If ever there was a time when a weary world needed something to rejoice about, it’s now. 2020 has been a challenging year for many people on many levels. The world […]

Season of Joy

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, which is good news for all! For the Christian, this brings great joy. But what is true joy exactly? Is it the same as mere happiness or is it different? How does one experience real, genuine joy? Join our study today as we look […]

The Kingdom of Heaven

Who is “king” of your life? In Matthew 13, Jesus teaches about “the Kingdom of Heaven” where Jesus is king and those who have surrendered their lives to His rule and reign make up the Kingdom of Heaven. “The Kingdom of Heaven” is both a physical kingdom (because Heaven is a real place) and a […]