Running the Race
Six times in the New Testament living the Christian life is compared to “running a race”. The starting line is when we trust Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. The finish line is when we die and go to Heaven or when Christ returns to take us Home, whichever happens first. The time in […]
Serve Like Jesus
In today’s study from John 13, Pastor Gary teaches about the time when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. It was a pure gesture of love and humility. The God of the Universe stooped down to wash the dirty feet of sinners! And then He tells us to “follow His example.” How are we […]
When God Weighs Us
Weighs, accountability, humility, sanctity, fidelity
Proverbs: Virtues
Virtues, humility, kindness, integrity, honesty
The Beauty of Brokenness
Broken, brokenness, sin, humility, confession
Midweek Bible Study
Micah, justice, mercy, humility,
Creation Sensation
Creation, preexistence, power, presence, evolution, faith, humility