The Importance of God’s Law

Since Christians are under grace instead of the law, the question becomes—is the law of God pointless now? Some Christians think that! But Paul says otherwise. In Romans 7, Paul gives us three reasons why God’s law is important in the life of the Believer today. Pastor Gary unpacks Romans 7 and also helps us […]
Getting Victory over Sin

The Christian life will have its share of temptations. That’s because when a person trusts Christ as Lord and Savior, his or her spirit is regenerated but not the flesh. The flesh is constantly at war with the spirit so that the spirit wants to please God, but the flesh wants to please self. In […]
Heaven and How to Get There
What will Heaven be like? How can we get there? Pastor Gary answers these two questions today’s study from John 14. Many people think that if they are good enough they will get to Heaven when they die, but then the question becomes, “How good is good enough?” Thankfully, Jesus died on a cross for our sins because […]
Cleansed from a Leprous Heart
Leprosy, sin, salvation, cleansed
Losing Sin Weight
sin, weight, burden
A Serious Wound
Forgiveness, sin, wound, Babylon, Jeremiah
The Truth about the Human Condition
Heart, social justice, good, sin
Let’s Reason Together
reason, scarlet, snow, sin
The Sin Solution
Sin, forgiveness, adultery, atonement
The Heart of Confession
confession, sin, iniquity, forgiveness