It’s Time to Grow Up!

What hinders people from going on to maturity in their faith? That was the question concerning the church in Corinth. Paul writes his first epistle to them in response to questions they had had, and to correct them about what they were doing wrong. They were guilty of idolizing their leaders and of allowing a […]

foolishness, fool, wisdom, proverbs
Wisdom for the Crossroads
Crossroads, wisdom, stand, look, ask, walk, rest for your soul
Proverbs: Money
Money, wisdom, Proverbs
Proverbs: Wisdom
Wisdom, principles, truisms
The Blessings and Benefits of the Bible – Part 6/7
Fear of the Lord, wisdom, encouragement
The Blessings and Benefits of the Bible – Part 4/7
Wisdom, discernment, Bible, love, discipline
Don’t Be Deceived
Deceived, senses, wisdom, keep your word