Peace To You!

Easter 2024 Service
Jesus is the cure!

The world is feeding us self-affirming lies that we are all OK. The narrative goes like this: “You be you, and I’ll be me; we are all fine. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” But we are not OK. And if we were, then why have suicide rates steadily increased in American over the past […]
Evidence for the Head, Hope for the Heart
The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is an historical fact that is unique to Christianity. No other world religion makes the claim that their leader, prophet, or king died and rose from the dead. People around the world are still celebrating a Risen Savior! In Luke 24, Jesus appears to His disciples and […]
It is Finished
Road to the Resurrection
Easter, resurrection, tears, torture, triumph
Peace Be With You!
Easter, peace, resurrection
A Living Hope
Easter, resurrection, salvation
The Resurrection of Jesus – Historical, Powerful, & Personal
Easter, heaven, forgiveness, salvation, resurrection
Raising the Dead
Easter, resurrection
An Empty Tomb for Empty Lives